Services Commerical
Incentives for industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) solar water heating systems. You may know of an organization that could benefit from the incentives described below.
The Ontario government is making $14.4 million available over four years to encourage the industrial/commercial/institutional sector to convert to solar water heating systems. Ontario businesses, industries, schools, universities, municipalities and hospitals would receive 25 per cent of the cost of the installation of a solar water heating system from the province to a maximum of $80,000.
The program is linked with the federal government's ecoENERGY Renewable Heat Program, which will also provide a contribution of 25 per cent to a maximum of $80,000. It is estimated that the program will generate 500 installations over four years.
For further information about the Ontario program, including application forms and FAQs, visit:
Ontario Solar Thermal Heating Incentive Program
For further information about the federal grant program, including qualifying details and FAQ's, visit:
ecoENERGY Renewable Heat